Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Donec placerat felis vitae lorem cursus, id pretium lorem varius. Nam consectetur nibh ac felis convallis, vel condimentum nulla malesuada. Mauris accumsan nisi quis dictum dapibus. Cras congue sit amet tortor quis blandit.

Praesent eu dignissim sem. Quisque bibendum vehicula magna, vitae rhoncus neque egestas et. Morbi ut imperdiet metus. Vivamus eu egestas urna, at malesuada felis.

Radical Renovations & Community Mobilization

Radical Renovations are a series of BIG community events, akin to an extreme makeover or modern-day barn raising. We organize and execute these event through the “art of community mobilization.” Typical projects have hundreds of volunteers and dozens of companies involved, bringing together people from all walks of life.

Radical Renovations are a series of BIG community events, akin to an extreme makeover or modern-day barn raising. We organize and execute these event through the “art of community mobilization.” Typical projects have hundreds of volunteers and dozens of companies involved, bringing together people from all walks of life.


Our projects need all kinds of volunteers.
Join the fun.

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The inspiring ongoing story…